Trillian IM status

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two more workouts down..

My ankle had swollen up again after a couple days at work..

So I worked from home Wednesday and after elevating for Tuesday evening and half of Wednesday things were pretty much back to normal so I hit the treadmill again.

Things are proceeding fairly well. I got another couple days (Wednesday and Thursday) of 50+ minutes in zone. I'm fairly sure that the temperature of the workout room is having an effect on how much work I can do and keep my heart at 122 beats per minute. That's frustrating to a degree because there are already enough variables that I cannot control that I really don't need yet another one to make things difficult.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Up to day 4..

I discovered something fun on my treadmill. I used the Heart Rate program.. I enter all that wonderful weight, age, time, etc.. Then it tells me to keep my heart rate at 122.

Day one.. was mostly learning the sequence.. 3 minute warm up, my set timing, then a 5 minute cool down. Spent maybe 5-10 minutes at 3.5 miles an hour, then had to bring it down to 3 miles an hour to keep my heart rate down.

Day two.. brought the speed up to 3.5 miles an hour and kept it there for 1/3 of the time, took it down to 3.2 for the next third and then down to 3 for the last third.

Both days, 50 minutes + "In Zone"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So.. today 45 minutes at an average of 144 bpm, and 2.10 miles in 40 minutes..

And Yahoo News had an interesting article on what is "scientifically proven" to be the best Abdominal exercise.. Using an Exercise Ball , Pike and roll out as seen on this video that accompanied the article.

I tried it.. once I found my balance (which was worthy of a hilarious YouTube video by itself) I can only agree.. that definitely worked them hard in just a few repetitions.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Starting the road back..

OK.. so long time no post. February 19th, 2011 I slipped in an icy parking lot. Twice.. once going into a building, and once coming out. Unfortunately, on the fall going out.. I was carrying stuff and I wasn't smart enough to through that stuff to free my hands to break my fall.

So my ankle broke my fall.. and my left fibula broke. Surgery happened on February 23rd and recovery has happened ever since.

Tuesday, May 30th my x-rays finally show the break as completely healed and so today, I got on a treadmill.

40 Minutes, 10 seconds got me 2 miles of walking.

I maxed out at a pace of 3.5 miles an hour and 8 percent incline. That took me to 155 beats per minute and the treadmill's heart monitor blinking at me in alarm. So I took my speed back down to 3 miles an hour and that took me back down to the 140s.

Not as terrible start as I feared, but also pretty much a starting point.